Monday, 3 November 2008


A couple of you said you liked the picture on this blog and asked me where it's from. Last May I went to Malta for a conference for 5 days - it was a lifetime experience/an ethnographic rich point/a life-changing visit/call it whatever you want. I wrote a long letter on my first (horrible) night there - the lines below are extracted from it:

It scares me so much that ill spend more and more nights and days in mediocre hotels all over the world, stressing over unfinished PowerPoint presentations and trying desperately to make myself feel better even though all that really matters is that – again – I'm still a supergirl carrying my suitcase around the world, on my own.. With an extra empty bed.

It was not a good trip. But the picture reminds me that I walked there and I walked back and I'm still walking.

1 comment:

ferefono said...

we all hide a Johnny Walker deep inside! Keep walking girl. Loved the picture too!
